Monday, January 04, 2010


Ohio State Fight the Team Acro...Introduced at a pep rally for the 1915 Illinois game, Fight the Team Across the Field made its Ohio Field debut at the same game.

my world Tuesday A MY WORLD TUESDAY POST.

On New Years Day I watched THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY foot ball team play  at the ROSE BOWL and what a game it was. A quick visit to Columbus,Ohio and the University is in order.




and their stadium “THE HORSESHOE.” The first game in the stadium was against Ohio Wesleyan University on October 7, 1922, and brought a crowd of around 25,000


Ohio State Hang On Sloopy - Oh... Hang on Sloopy is the song of choice by the team and fans alike

A QUICK GLIMPSE AT SOME OF THE CAMPUS. ( I had the good fortune to be there as a student from 1964-1969)


As I face this Historical Marker Mirror Lake is to my back. To find out where OSU played their first home game on November 1 1890 CLICK. Next, we have a frozen Mirror Lake (I could tell a few stories)


This is where I learned to walk at a very fast pace going from one class to the next.( Loved organic chemistry lab ) but after spending three hours in “lab” at lunch no one wanted to sit next to me (BAD SMELL).

FRAMEDOSUWINTER2010 Those hills may not look that big but when skate boards first came out that entire area was filled with skate boarders in the evenings (including myself). One evening I loaned my “board” to some gal from Baker Hall and the first time she went down the hill she fell and broke her leg.


Several virtual tours of the campus are available just CLICK.


STRADLEY HALL is where I lived for most of my five years at Ohio State. For me in many ways it was the Best of Times and the Worst of Times. I just wish I knew then what I know now. This quick visit to OSU has brought back a lot of memories and it was a fun place to visit on this cold January day.

In Closing:


1. “Buckeyes” has been the official Ohio State nickname since 1950

2. The tradition of placing Buckeye Leaves on the Ohio State helmets was started in 1968 by Woody Hayes

3.The Victory Bell is rung after every Ohio State victory. It was a gift of the classes of 1943, 1944 and 1945.

4.Scarlet and Gray:Ohio State’s official school colors since 1878

19642009joetodd In 1964 I was Blowin in the wind.In 1969 Spiro Agnew gave the commencement address at  OSU and in 2010 (just for today) Life is Good.

As Always Thanks For Stopping By.



Crone and Bear It said...

OSU is not my alma mater - but after 20 years in OH I'm a diehard Buckeyes fan!! That game was wonderful - you couldn't have paid me to leave my tv set! Thanks for the sightseeing tour - it's a pretty campus. Cheers!

Sylvia K said...

What a great look back, Joe! Thanks for the tour and your photos are marvelous as always! Sounds as though a good time was had by all!

Hope your new year is off to a great start!


Lona said...

You mean to tell me you did not hear me screaming them on up in Lancaster. LOL! It was a great game. I was a nervous wreck until they missed the field goal then I started breathing a little easier and had hope the bowl jinx was over.;-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Congrats to 'your' team, Joe. My hubby (who loves Michigan) doesn't care much for OSU. Wonder why (although Michigan has pooped out the past couple of years)???

Speaking of 'pooping out' --my team (THE University of Tennessee) did it also... Oh Well--like I say every year, there's always next year... ha ha

Great photos..

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

It looks like a beautiful campus, Joe, and sounds like you really enjoyed your time there, not to mention your walk back down Memory Lane on New Year's Day and for this post!
Happy New Year to you!

Carver said...

It looks like a beautiful campus and great shots. Congratulations to your team.

Anonymous said...

Memories! Amazing what a holiday game will do to bring the past back into our memories. ;-) Fun post, Joe!

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm glad a Big-Ten team won, but I wish it were Michigan.
Congratulations and Happy New Year.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Joe. Greetings from the State of Oregon, Lane County, near Eugene. (Need I say more?) ;>))).

storyteller said...

What FUN for you ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

eileeninmd said...

Joe, Great photos and post, Congrats to Ohio State.

Maia T said...

These years carry beautiful memories always and your photos are a window to them.
Thanks for sharing your world.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: Only one thing for me to say,
GO Bucks. Next year could be a really good one. Tressel did wonders for my alma mater YSU and he continues with The Ohio State University.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful snaps. The shape of the stadium is very unique.

Quilt Works said...

Interesting building! Looks like Coliseum in Rome!

The winder scenes look very beautiful! The snow is so fresh and clean!

...My world = my studio

Patty said...

I am an Ohio transplant to southern California but no matter what I have remain a true Buckeye fan and will die a true Buckeye fan. I love the State of Ohio, I just can't take your winters any more. This year, for the 1st time in my life, I got to go to the Rose Bowl game and it is one of the biggest highlights of my life. I am so proud of the Buckeyes and I love Coach Tressel. We're losing 19 seniors but no matter what, I'm a supporter. Your website is a walk down memory lane and OSU is still one of the most beautiful college campuses anywhere. I could surely get depressed thinking of my O-H-I-O!!! Thank you,

TONY LETTS said...

love the photo frames Joe

Anonymous said...

It will be great to watch Ohio State Buckeyes,i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.