Linda and I are recently back from a relaxing vacation at Harris Lake.(near Pointe au Baril, ON.)

Harris Lake is located just 3 hours from Toronto off highway 69 north. The cottage is about a ten minute boat ride from the marina. A big thanks to the Hnatewice family (marina owners) for all their help.. Their son Orest operated the taxi boat and helped us get all our gear to the cabin. Now, a few photos for SkyWatch Friday::

A little chilly this morning…

I’m not sure the beaver was much interested in the moon….

Looks like a good morning for a little fishing if we could get rid of those clouds.

Looking better so time to do a little fishing on the Magnetawan River

Linda and I had rented the “Red Dragon” boat on the left. The fishing boat has a 9.9 outboard motor and the boat turned out to be very stable. The outboard started on the first “pull” each time.

See the crane.. sure blends into the background.


The first catches of the trip…. As we often do; the cottage/trip was shared with my sister Sara and her husband Larry. We call Larry the “Fish Whisperer.”

Every morning about 7:00 Am the local squirrel dropped pine cones onto the metal roof of the cottage.. We were Bombarded.. didn’t need an alarm clock. LOL

The cottage is owned by Richard and Kathy and is used year round.. A quick look around a working Cottage/Camp…
For use this winter in the wood stove..

There is going to be some ice fishing.

All trash/garbage was taken to the marina to be disposed off when we left, though we were able to use some “waste paper products” to start the campfire.
The Wolverine Lodge on the Magnetawan River. (now a private “cottage”) “For a a canoe trip in Ontario cottage country the Magnetawan is a basic four- to five-day river loop trip suitable for novice canoe trippers and covers 80 kilometers of mostly flat water.”

“One can camp free on Crown land and within Magnetawan River Provincial Park, which combine to encompass most of the route. Some campsites are indicated with orange markers while others show distinct signs of use.” See below…

I didn’t have much luck fishing on this trip. Do you think I might have been paying more attention to taking photos? LOL. I think I did get some great photos for Sky Watch Friday which is a great site to visit/view beautiful skies from all over the world.
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day….
NOTE: One week no cell phone,computer,Wi-Fi, TV, Tablet.. On a good day maybe a couple stations on the radio.