Friday, January 29, 2021

NonViolence or Andersonville What is your Choice to Be...


When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed. But, somehow I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making root beer.. Always something more important to me. Finally, she thought of a clever way to make her point.
When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush. I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway." The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.


Have A Great Day J.T.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Biker and the Lord


A Bridge To Far::: man was riding his Harley along a California highway, when suddenly the sky cleared above his head and in a booming voice, the Lord said: 'Because you have tried to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish.' 


The biker pulled over and said, 'Build a  bridge to  Hawaii  so I can ride over anytime I want.'


The Lord said, 'Your request is materialistic. Think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required reaching the bottom of the Pacific, and the concrete and steel it would take!


It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of  something that could possibly help mankind.'


The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, 'Lord, I wish that I and all men could understand women; I want  to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, why she snaps and complains when I try to  help, and how I can make a woman truly happy.'


The Lord replied, 'You want two lanes or four lanes on that bridge?'

"Happiness exists on earth, and it is won through prudent exercise of reason, knowledge of the harmony of the universe, and constant practice of generosity."
"Men are like the stars; some generate their own light while others reflect the brilliance they receive."
"Like stones rolling down hills, fair ideas reach their objectives despite all obstacles and barriers. It may be possible to speed or hinder them, but impossible to stop them."
"Other famous men, those of much talk and few deeds, soon evaporate. Action is the dignity of greatness."

-Jose Marti

If you get  A Round Tuit leave a comment. Have a great day J.T.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

To Good Not To Share.... SO MUCH WISDOM....



Joe Todd......

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

All Animals Are Equal In Kindergarten


Oh What Fun...Spent the last couple days going through old papers and photos.. Did a lot of shredding LOL... Some old photos interesting to at least me...

I'm the 5th from the left... (Kindergarten)

All the way up to 1964 with forerunner to modern snowmachines.  



One Sunday morning, the pastor noticed little Alex standing in the foyer of the church looking up at a large plaque.  It was covered with names and small American flags mounted on either side of it.  The six-year old had been staring at the plaque for some time, so the pastor walked up, stood beside the little boy, and said quietly, “Good morning, Alex.”   “Good morning, Pastor,” he replied, still  focused on the plaque.   

“Pastor, whats this?"     

The pastor replied, “Well son, it’s a memorial to all the young men and women who died in the service.”   

Soberly, they just stood together, staring at the large plaque.  Finally, little Alex’s quavering voice, barely audible and trembling with fear,  asked.............................. ............................. “Which service, the 8:15 or the 10:30?”


Have A Great day... J.T.

Monday, January 25, 2021



A New York attorney representing a wealthy art collector called his client. "Alan, I have some good news and, I have some bad news." 
The art collector replied, "I've had an awful day; let's hear the good news first." The lawyer said, "Well, I met with your wife today, and she informed me that she invested $5,000 in two pictures that she thinks will bring a minimum of $15-20 million. I think she could be right." Saul replied enthusiastically, "Well done! My wife is a brilliant businesswoman! You've just made my day. Now I know I can handle the bad news. What is it?" The lawyer replied, : "The pictures are of you with your Secretary...


That's all folks.. Have A Great Day...

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Grandpa's Wisdom & Favorite Things


Pacemakers, golf carts and porches with swings, 
These are a few of my favorite things. 
When the pipes leak, When the bones creak, When the knees go bad, I simply remember my favorite things, And then I don't feel so bad. Hot tea and crumpets and corn pads for bunions, No spicy hot food or food cooked with onions, 
Bathrobes and heating pads and hot meals they bring,These are a few of my favorite things. 
Back pain, confused brains and no need for sinnin
g, Thin bones and fractures and hair that is thinning
, And we won't mention our short shrunken frames, When we remember our favorite things. When the joints ache, When the hips break, When the eyes grow dim, Then I remember the great life I've had…………………………………….

Mount Pleasant... Lancaster, Ohio....Nice little hike. Have a great day... J.T.