Monday, February 22, 2010





The well was dry beside the door,
And so we went with pail and can
Across the fields behind the house
To seek the brook if still it ran;


Not loth to have excuse to go,
Because the autumn eve was fair
(Though chill), because the fields were ours,
And by the brook our woods were there.


We ran as if to meet the moon
That slowly dawned behind the trees,
The barren boughs without the leaves,
Without the birds, without the breeze.


But once within the wood, we paused
Like gnomes that hid us from the moon,
Ready to run to hiding new
With laughter when she found us soon.



Each laid on other a staying hand
To listen ere we dared to look,
And in the hush we joined to make
We heard, we knew we heard the brook.



A note as from a single place,
A slender tinkling fall that made
Now drops that floated on the pool
Like pearls, and now a silver blade.

Thank you Mr. Robert Frost for your beautiful poem.


This post is dedicated to Sandi Henry who passed away early Monday morning 2/22/2010. We will miss you. ( One last photo for you Sandi which is titled; (BEAUTY AT THE END OF THE TRAIL)




When medical science can no longer add more days to life,Hospice adds more life to every day.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. This post was a nice tribute to Sandi. The photograph of the bridge across the creek drew me in. That's a lovely picture.

Lona said...

What pretty pictures of the hollow. I was not up into it since all of the big snows but I kept think that all of the parks must be beautiful with the snow. How did you catch those ripples? Do you know how many shots I have taken of that little stream trying to get them. LOL!

Sylvia K said...

I'm so sorry for the loss of your friend, and what a beautiful tribute! Your photos are so gorgeous and Frost's words are absolutely perfect! Thanks for the beauty to start the day! Have a good week, Joe!


B i r g i t t a said...

I am sorry for your lost. It's a beautiful post in every way :)

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: What a fun search for the bubbling brook.

Anonymous said...

So sorry you have lost a friend.

Lovely series of photos to accompany Frost's poem!

teJan said...

nice poem indeed..sad but touchy! condolences!

Anonymous said...

I'm truly sorry for your loss, but you gave your friend a beautiful tribute. I'm sure she would appreciate that.

My prayers are with you in your time of grieving. God bless you!


Anonymous said...

Love your snowy landscape. Sorry to hear about your loss.

SandyCarlson said...

Oh, so beautifully illustrated.

Unknown said...

What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute Joe. I am so sorry for your loss.

Rajesh said...

Sorry to hear about your loss. There can not be better tribute than this.

Jim said...

Words and pictures are brilliant.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Rick (Ratty) said...

The picture with the bridge is a perfect winter scene. Bridges draw me in like magnets.

Martha Z said...

A wonderful job of illustrating one of my favorite poets.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Joe, that is a beautiful tribute. A perfect poem and your pictures do it justice. I am sorry for your loss.

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend's passing. A lovely poem and photos.

Carolyn said...

Joe this is such a poignant post with words and photos expressing such love and joy. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Smiles and blessings

Jack and Joann said...

Awesome tribute to the loss of your friend. Photos along with the poem moved me deeply.
Peace my blog friend.

The Muse said...

so hauntingly familiar...
and a heart felt homage to a soul i am certain, even now, appreciates your kindness and honor.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

How beautifully put together and sorry for the loss of your friend.

Marsha said...

A wonderful photographic tribute to yoru friend. I am sorry for your loss.

Ms. Bake-it said...

What a beautiful tribute. I am sorry to hear of the passing of your friend.

~ Tracy

happily retired gal said...

Beautiful post in memory of your friend ... I'm sorry for your loss.
Hugs and blessings,

TONY LETTS said...

a lovely tribute Joe