Saturday, February 13, 2010



Just got back (last night) from a wandering golf/beach trip to Hilton Head Island. Temperatures were about ten degrees below normal but there was some sun and blue skies.

For Scenic Sunday scenicsundaylogo AND

Shadow Shot Sunday logo1 Shadow shot Sunday a little something other than snow. LOL


Didn’t see any Alligators but there were some turtles.FRAMEDTURTLES

and on the off chance we didn’t hit the golf ball in the water and it landed on the green:




DSC_0005 Ted R. reporting from Palmetto Dunes on Hilton Head Island and As Always Thanks For Stopping By.


Ralph said...

Well, if you shank the ball in the water, I'd let it lie. Better the free drop with a new ball than fishing for the old one below - the warning sign should br heeded...

Sylvia K said...

What terrific shadow shots, Joe! Love the green!!! And the blue water and reflections. Glad you didn't try to retrieve the ball!!!

Have a great weekend!


I love your new header!!

Rajesh said...

Fantastic shadow shots, love the variety.

Chubby Chieque said...

Stunning retreat place.

This is To die for golf course that invite us with so many beuatiful shadows.

Happy heart's day...

eileeninmd said...

Great shots! Love the shadows!

bobbie said...

Great shadow shots, and I love the turtles. Glad there were no alligators.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Beautiful shots. Love Hilton Head. Been several times. Husband played golf and I shopped.

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Hi Joe, it probably did. A blogger friend in Myrtle Beach and one in Charleston both had snow. Seven inches in Charleston.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Looks like you had a great time ---and hopefully good weather... Hope you didn't lose too many balls in the water!!!!!!

Happy Valentines Day to you and your Sweetie.

Teresa~ Gardening with Soule said...

Love the shadows! so beautiful.

Martha Z said...

Great shadows but you better tell Ted to look out for the alligators.

Anonymous said...

Eek! Alligators! I'll stay here with my snow shovel, thanks. :)

Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I just realized you're not back yet. So you still must beware of the alligators. :)

LeAnn said...

Much better to find turtles! Looks like a lovely place and likely a grand time to be had. :)

Cassie said...

Excellent shadow shots. My,what long legs that shadow has!! I'll post my golf shadow shot I took of the daughter next week.

A Wild Thing said...

That's it, I've made up my mind, I'm spending my January next year in Florida visiting my Mum and checking out the sun and the surf and the gaters...hope you had a great time!!!

Anonymous said...

Kewl shadows on the greens! Do watch out for those 'gators ... ya hear?
Hugs and blessings,

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: Stay away from those toothy critters.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I hope your golf ball didn't hit the alligator. LOL

My neighbour has a camelia bush by the fence, and I am tempted to steal the flowers.

TONY LETTS said...

Can't help wondering if the crocs have developed a taste for crunchy golf balls :)