Friday, July 28, 2017

JOKES & More…..or less LOL

MQTlogoa1500x500 Have a Quality Time day…
LADYOLD A State Trooper pulled an 87-year-old woman over for speeding.As he looked at her driver's license he was surprised to notice that attached to it was a conceal ...weapon permit.Taken aback, he couldn't help but ask, “Do you have a gun in your possession?”She replied in her crackly voice, “Indeed, I do. Why I have a 45 automatic in the glove box.”The trooper then asked if she had any other weapons.She replied, “I have a 9 mm Glock in the center console.”The shocked trooper asked, “Is that all the weapons you are transporting?The little old lady held up her purse and replied, "Well, I do keep a 38 special in my purse.” Finally, the astonished trooper asked, "What are you afraid of?”And the little old lady smiled and replied: "Not a DAMN Thing."
While the priest was presenting a children's sermon before the whole congregation. He asked the children if they knew what the Resurrection was. Asking questions during children's sermons is crucial, but at the same time, asking children questions in front of a congregation can also be very dangerous. In response to the question, a little boy raised his hand. The priest called on him and the boy said, "I know that if you have a resurrection that lasts more than four hours you are supposed to call the doctor."
It took ten minutes for the congregation to settle down enough for the service to continue.
The Joke Of The Week:::
New Republican hero sure has a way with words...”Anthony Scaramucci, nicknamed the Mooch, is an American political figure and financier. Scaramucci is currently designated to serve as the White House Communications Director.” Important to have a "way with words" if you are communications director... Just saying.. Maybe he should speak to the Girl Scouts.......
abe “SAD” ……….But have a great day…

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