Vinton County, Lake Hope, Moonville Tunnel, Wandering

It’s a beautiful fall November day with the temps in the mid 50’s . For me it is the kind of day that screams “Road Trip”.

In July 1863, a fast-moving Confederate army swept across the Ohio, stopping at every farm and home to steal horses and food.

Painting by M. Kuntsler…. Today, I’m heading out of Nelsonville to Vinton County. Some might say the area in Vinton County is still “haunted” by Morgan’s Raiders.

Matt replacing the Wheelabout road sign. (my road to turn on) Matt says , “People are always taking this sign, and he has replaced it before. Maybe the ghosts of the haunted Moonville Tunnel are involved.

Haunted Moonville Tunnel.. I couldn’t get any closer today. The water in the creek was to high and of course the bridge is gone.

Take a close look and you might see a couple modern day raiders (hunters) and a pretty nice tree stand to.

I adore old barns, meadows, and wide open spaces.

I’m sure this old house has many many stories it could tell.

I had a great lunch at the Lake Hope dining Lodge and then took this photo from the balcony. Time for a nap..
Joe Todd looking at the sky just before his eyes close for the well deserved nap.

Vinton County, Lake Hope, Moonville Tunnel, Wandering