Saturday, August 02, 2014

Lancaster Handmade Market

MQTlogoa A great way to spend part of a  “Quality Time” Saturday morning is to visit The Lancaster Handmade Market at the corner of Broad and Main in Lancaster,Ohio.


DSC_0002 Don’t break the pottery Linda… LOL


Who, What, Where::::: We are Ohio artists and craftspeople who love to make stuff. We make so much we decided to offer it for sale to you at this market. We hope you love using our products as much as we love making them.  READ MORE


DSC_0005 Meet Mike Beard from

Las Vegas,Nevada. ( currently visiting his grandfather here in town). Mike is a film maker and photographer. Mike bought his first camera right here in Lancaster when he was only  twelve years old. Here are a couple samples of his work (reproduced with his permission)



Learn more about Mike:::CLICK or visit his STORE

DSC_0008 A little music while you shop.



Also, The Sherman House Museum is just up the street and worth a visit.


Several photos of Lancaster,Ohio CLICK


David Hoffman of “Wood ‘N Loom”  Dave does the wood and Nancy takes care of the Loom.


Do you need that knife sharpened? You can reach David at ( )

AMERICANTOWNLOGOSIDEBAR I want all of you to have a “Quality Time Day”

MQTlogoa Lancaster Handmade Market

Friday, August 01, 2014

Confession of an Old Italian Man

MQTlogoa Confession of an Old Italian Man a World War II saga……

it1An elderly Italian man (Agnolo), who lived on the outskirts of Rimini Italy,

it2 went to the local church for confession. When the priest slid open the panel in the confessional,

it3  the man said, “Father, during World War II, a beautiful Jewish woman from our neighborhood

it4  knocked urgently on my door and asked me to hide her from the Nazis. So I hid her in my attic.”

IT7 The priest replied, “That was a wonderful thing you did, and you have no need to confess that.”

"There is more to tell, Father… she started to repay me with sexual favors. This happened several times a week, and sometimes twice on Sundays."

IT6 The priest said, “That was a long time ago and by doing what you did, you placed the two of you in great danger, but two people under those circumstances can succumb to the weakness of the flesh.

IT8 However, if you are truly sorry for your actions, you are indeed forgiven.”

"Thank you, Father. That’s a great load off my mind. I do have one more question."

And what is that?” asked the priest.

"Should I tell her the war is over?"



OLDMAN Hope everyone has a great day…..

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Thursday, July 31, 2014

Old Jamaican Man & His Garden

MQTlogoa Nothing beats digging in the garden…….


An Old Jamaican man lived alone in the country…



He wanted to dig his Yellow Yam and Sweet Potato Garden, but it was very hard work as the ground was hard.


His only son, Daquain, who used to help him, was in prison. The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

Dear Daquain, I am feeling pretty badly because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my Yellow Yam and Sweet Potato Garden this year. I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me….Love, Dad

A few days later he received a letter from his son:

Dear Dad, Don’t dig up that garden. That’s where I buried the bodies.

Love, Daquain


At 4 a.m. The next morning, JCF agents (Jamaica Constabulary Force)  arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies. They apologized to the old man and left. That same day the old man received another letter from his son:


Dear Dad, Go ahead and plant the Yams and Potatoes now. That’s the best I could do under the circumstances. Your loving son, Daquain

jam7 Have a great day.. If you want to see where I’ve been hanging out CLICK

MQTlogoa Old Jamaican Man & His Garden

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Keep those Emails coming…… (Thanks Jimmy)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Bremen Farmers Produce Auction (LOVE OHIO)

MQTlogoa Just a short drive from Lancaster,Ohio you can get all the produce you want/need for the “right” price.



An Amish man, Dan Gingerich is the founder of the auction, which takes place in a building on his property. Some of the produce offered for sale comes from his fields. He’s been dreaming for a dozen years about making the farmers’ auction a reality. READ MORE

Map picture



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Give a man bread and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to plow and he will feed his family for the rest of his life.



It takes both rain and sunshine to make the garden grow. If you want a place in the sun, you will have to expect some blisters.



Shall I not have intelligence with the earth? Am I not partly leaves and vegetable mould myself. -  Henry David Thoreau  or.. This cabbage, these carrots, these potatoes, these onions ... will soon become me.  Such a tasty fact!




Happiness is like jam; it’s almost impossible to spread it around without getting some on yourself.



By the time most folks get to greener pastures, they can’t climb the fence.(tell me about it)



Don’t hurry, don’t worry, do your best, leave the rest!


Auction chant (also known as "bid calling", "the auction cry", "the cattle rattle", or simply "Auctioneering") is a rhythmic repetition of numbers and "filler words" spoken by an auctioneer in the process of conducting an Auction. READ MORE

DSC_0022 Trying to understand all that “auction chant” made me hungry so I had a cheeseburger with all the fixins. Thanks Wayne you do great work..



Sweet corn anyone???


Harvest comes not every day. Carpe diem and we will see you at the “auction”

OLDMAN Well, I didn’t buy any produce today but I may return on Friday and ‘test the waters”  Some say if you keep waiting for the right time, you may never begin. LOL… Have a great day

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