Saturday, December 05, 2009


Answer the questions if you like or just take a moment to ponder,but whatever you do enjoy SCENIC SUNDAY

scenicsundaylogo Once again we are back at CHESTNUT RIDGE METRO PARK near Lancaster,Ohio enjoying the sunny day and scenery. Yes there are some shadows here, actually a lot of shadows so:

Shadow Shot Sunday logo1 Check out SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY while your at it.

uturns  Have you staid on the straight and narrow path in life or have you had to make a U turn? Were you able to cross life’s bridges when you came to them?


Is life a bowl of berries where you have been able to channel your energies? Maybe you feel like you are caught in a vise and just wonder Y.


Do you sometimes run when maybe you should walk? Could it be you have lost your purpose in life? Maybe, you can’t see the forest for the trees when you really just want to stand alone.

pooh Melancholy Pooh Bear says, “THANKS FOR STOPPING BY”  I would have felt better if I had found some honey in the 100 acre woods.

Someone told me, “God doesn’t make junk .”


So be a “Giant”, branch out,help others,and enjoy life.



Betsy Banks Adams said...

Amen, Joe... Great post!!!! Yes--enjoy life and keep on crossing those bridges into the unknown!!!!! And sometimes, we have to forget the bridge and rock-hop across that water---or even get our feet wet....

We got SNOW... Tomorrow's post!!!! ha

Sylvia K said...

I have to agree with Betsy, this is such a great post and wonderful shadow shots! I rather needed to read your words today -- one of those days that do come now and then. Thanks for the reminder!

Have a great weekend!


June said...

Q. Have you staid on the straight and narrow path in life or have you had to make a U turn?
A. Straight and narrow??? BWAAAhahahahahaha! U turn? More like switchbacks!

Q. Were you able to cross life’s bridges when you came to them?
A. Not until the boards were falling from under my feet.

Q. Is life a bowl of berries where you have been able to channel your energies? Maybe you feel like you are caught in a vise and just wonder Y.
A. My energies seem to be spiraling inward. No vise, and not wondering why. Just sittin' in the bowl of berries, waitin' for the cream like Melancholy Pooh's waitin' for the hunny.

Q. Do you sometimes run when maybe you should walk?
A. Absolutely.

A Wild Thing said...

You're talking my is short, let's drink it all in every second of every day!!!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sam said...

You live in a very pretty part of the world - lovely shots here and thank you for the words of wisdom!

Carletta said...

I so forgot the shadows I enjoyed the commentary so very much - lovely post!!

Dimple said...

Thought provoking questions, great scenery and shadows!

Maelka said...

Lovely post. I like your photos and text. Have a nice day,Joe!

Baruch said...

Great photos and great quotes on your blog

Joe Todd said...

June, I forgot all about switchbacks but today I went in circles does that count? LOL. Betsy I'll bet you have been in a lot of snow ball fights in your life and came out a winner. Sylvia as my doctor told me, "you are living on the green side of the turf." So I'll just count my blessings and throw more snow balls. Thanks for all the comments

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos and scenery. Looks like a wonderful place to walk.

Unknown said...

great post. very interesting!!

Anonymous said...

Chestnut Metro Park looks like a delightful place!

Carolyn Ford said...

I am particularly fond of the bridge and pathway! Those are very nicely composed and inviting!

Ralph said...

Your paths seem narrow, indeed. Should these not be so, we could be sidetracked from the direction we ought to be traveling. We can go the right way and still not miss any of the important sights and beauty that surrounds us. A lovely sentiment and pictures of beauty that amaze!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The last collage photo, top right photo, waht are those columns?

Soon you will have snow?

Joe Todd said...

Ann, I don't know for sure what the cement columns were for. I'm thinking a platform or foundation for a tower. At any rate they no longer have a purpose in life. Ralph, those times in life I was sidetracked turned out to be the "best of learning experiences" and makes my life today that much more richer

Teresa said...

Beautiful photographs and thoughts. Enjoy your sunday

Jean said...

cute pooh bear

A smile from SJ =)

wenn said...

lovely scenery..

whizkid said...

interesting questions, wonderful photos :)

have a nice day!

Unknown said...

I love love love the phot with the bridge.

Chef E said...

Not sure if you are still interested but we changed things at My Town Blogger Shoot Out and are using a linky gadget that allows us to have more members... Come over to this site and check it out...
You participate and link when you have the time, showing off your town highlights with each weeks theme posted on the side bar...
Thanks, and look forward to following you... Chef E

TONY LETTS said...

nice thoughts! - Good to tie them in with Nature

Anonymous said...

Wonderful scenic views and shadows in your marvelous mosaics today ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Kirigalpoththa said...

Lovely post!

Rick (Ratty) said...

I think sometimes that I'm caught right in the middle with any of those questions. I try my best, but things don't always work out the wy I planned. sometimes it's my fault, and sometimes it's just circumstances. Great post. The questions did make me think, and I loved the pictures, especially the bridge.

Glancer said...

Enjoyed visiting your site. Good music. Great photos. Interesting queries.

Sharkbytes said...

This is really cute, Joe! Sorry I haven't been by in a while.