Thursday, December 17, 2009


     Just north of Lancaster,Ohio but still in Fairfield County we have Baltimore,Ohio “A Place You Can Call Home” and that is where we are going for this Sky Watch Friday

skywatchlogo Baltimore, Ohio was a major player when the Ohio-Erie canal was in it’s hey-day.(Previous Post)

Project5  Pretty typical skies for Ohio this time of year.




Where did the sun go?

Project2 That’s a little better but then…………


joetodd Thanks for stopping by.


Sylvia K said...

Marvelous skies, Joe, and great captures! They are ever changing, aren't they!

Enjoy your weekend!


Anonymous said...

That's how the sky is here today, sunny one minute then no sun and lots of clouds. Do most people publish Skywatch Friday on Thursdays? Just wondering; I'm new to the meme. I have my post ready but postdated for tomorrow morning.

Guy D said...

Awesome shots Joe, I love vintage aircraft like that.

All the best :)
Regina In Pictures

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: Nice capture of our Ohio skies, we have to grab hold of whatever sky we see.

Unknown said...

interesting set of photos, Joe. Have a nice weekend, Ev

Janice / Dancing with Sunflowers said...

That's a pretty impressive sky you've got there, Joe, and the perfect backdrop for the planes. Have a good weekend.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

I like your sky pictures, Joe, but I enjoyed seeing the airplanes. I have a 'thing' for both trains (my Dad worked for the railroad) and for planes (my brother owned a Piper Cub at one time). Tell us more about the plane(s).

storyteller said...

Beautiful sky photos ;-)
If you're looking for warmer sunsets, check out My Sky Watch this week!
Hugs and blessings,

Al said...

Interesting skies, but it's the plane that I love in these shots. Very fun.

Julie said...

I like the closeup of that propeller appearing to slice through that cold bleak sky. Dont think I have seen a propeller used in a Skywatch post prior to this.

Good choice.

Rajesh said...

Beautiful shots of lovely clods in the sky.

Hildred said...

Lovely sky, - great planes.

Small City Scenes said...

I just love the clouds--any clouds. We have gray gray gray out here. MB

Kim, USA said...

That's a great white puffy sky...the sun is somewhere hiding -wink-

Clear Sky

Carolyn Ford said...

Airplanes and "skies" just go together. Beautiful captures!

Eaglesbrother said...

Great shots of the winter sky..but the planes look so lonely.

TONY LETTS said...

dappled skies have their place

Anonymous said...

For some reason I didn't realize the Navy flies...but of course they do! What was I thinking?

Your skies look a lot my skies this time of year!

eileeninmd said...

I never knew there was a Baltimore Ohio. Cool planes! Great set of skywatch photos.