Monday, December 28, 2009

A HOCKING HILLS HIKE to show a little of MY WORLD


MYWORLD In the Hocking Hills we have Clear Creek Metro Park. An area of  scenic cliffs and rugged rock formations. This is part of MY WORLD. To discover more parts of our interesting world click on the link or logo.

     There is an interesting area I have been wanting to explore. In a previous post  I have talked about and shown photos of the Thomas Cabin and the Mathias Cabin. These two cabins are separated by a ridge that runs between them. The top of the ridge is about 100 feet higher in elevation than the two cabins.

For this post I am going to start at the high point of the hike and work backwards.

RIDGEHIKE2    This is the highest elevation of the hike. At my back is another cliff about forty feet high and no easy way to climb (and I’m not prepared to climb it today anyway). I am standing on the spine of the ridge and it falls off to my front, right, and left.


 Top left photo shows the cliff at my back. Top right photo shows skyline and the two bottom photos show the woods to the left and right.

100_5705 A close up of the Black Hand Sandstone  that predominates in this area. We will now start to head back down. (That sand stone is just a little weathered which is how I feel today)


After going about 100 feet I found a level spot bottom left photo. I sat down by a tree took a couple photos of the sky through the trees and took a nap. (The sun was out and I did dress warmly) and down we go ( Love those Gnarly Trees )


Top left photo (where I had been) then down—down—and looking back up.


The top two photos show what I think is the remnants of an old “spring house”  Just another view below left

 100_5675 100_3953

Old Man's Cave Hocking Hills State Park, Logan Ohio USA

LARGE FORMATIONS OF Black Hand Sandstone

sun2 The sun was out and the days are getting longer. If I just weighed about 30 pounds less than I do now this hike would have been much easier. You know in the spring I’m going to have to climb that last cliff and explore the rest of the ridge between the cabins. As Always Thanks for stopping by….

YouTube video of Clear Creek Metro Park Jan 2009 shows photo of one of the cabins.



Photo Cache said...

thanks for taking us on a hike.

Sylvia K said...

Great shots and a great hike, Joe! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Betsy Banks Adams said...

You did great Joe.... Isn't it just FUN to be out in the woods ALONE--and can sit in the sunshine and even take a nap?????? Wow--Life is GOOD....

Love the slideshow... I spent about 15 minutes looking at all of the pictures and twirling them around to see everything from every angle. That was NEAT... I thought I was right there with you!!!!

Love the SNOW pictures... Some neat looking churches in there... Love the cave and the water pictures also.

Lots of history in Granville.
Thanks for sharing.

Quilt Works said...

Excellent vantage point on the first shot - feels like you are flying like a bird!

...see what is in front of my house!

Carolyn Ford said...

Wow! What majestic trees and rock! What a scenic hike. You are not alone on that "if I would take off weight the hike would be easier"...another resolution, another year! Nice post!

Anonymous said...

No snow, Joe! You need to come to Ontario. (OK, only kidding.)

This looks like a great place to hike: cliffs, trees, sandstone, sky.

I hope you'll take us there for a tour in the spring too. I bet the wildflowers there are amazing under the deciduous trees.

Johnny Nutcase said...

cool post. love that first shot..some crazy tall tree shadows in there!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful and interesting pictures of your world.

Rajesh said...

Amazing place for hiking and adventure. The snaps have come very well.

Jaaisalmer, Golden City

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful photos, Joe. I love the rustc look on your framed mosaics.

storyteller said...

What gorgeous views of this wonderful hike! Thanks so much for inviting us along. I'm sharing a bit of My Seasonal World this week.
Hugs and blessings,

Small City Scenes said...

Whew!! I think I got worn out too. NAP TIME!!!

Excellent shots, I love the frames and collages.

There are lots of old and new barns in the valley down my hill. Well there are some old ones up this hill too. I posted a collage of several awhile back----now you can explore. ha! MB

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: What a neat look at the park with you at the ridge. We are getting blasted with snow. Now get out there and fill those bird feeders. LOL

Paulie said...

I enjoyed your journey! I like those sky shots through the trees. If I lived closer, I would have enjoyed walking it with you!

Paulie (formerly PERBS, my initials)

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

You are so clever, The collage are beautiful.

You even make winter trees so interesting,

Are you having a great hol?

Smart Mouth Broad said...

What a beautiful place, Joe!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hey Joe, thanks for the hike! Lord knows I needed it. (You said something on FT-L about wondering what to do with leftover Christmas goodies. Surely you jest ;>). We will not have deserts the rest of the year, but for now ....)

Anyway, that area is just beautiful. And there's that Old Man Cave again. I love that. And the remains of the spring house-- couldn't figure out that picture until I read your explanation. It was strangely beautiful!

Happy New Year and thanks again for sharing your adventures.

Sharkbytes said...

Cool hiking! Your first picture actually gives the sense of looking down the hill. That is hard to capture in a photo- I keep trying, but don't often seem to get it. Great job.

TONY LETTS said...

if you go down to the woods today....I hope there's no bears in them there woods!