Saturday, December 12, 2009



     I have been trying to explore some of the scenic areas close to home; Lancaster, Ohio and it’s hard to go wrong with State Parks and the Hocking Hills area of Ohio

So For::  Scenic Sunday SCENIC SUNDAY

and::    Shadow Shot Sunday logo1 SHADOW SHOT SUNDAY  We will head back to Tar Hollow State Forest.


First, a very small waterfall for my friend Betsy and her husband at Joyful Reflections


Top left photo shows some of the primitive campsites. The other photos are taken from the Fire Tower  I liked the green in the bottom right photo.

TARHOLLOW3  Big trees make big Shadows. Is there just a hint of a rainbow in the center photo just to the right of the fire tower? About 400 feet from the fire tower there are several “Backpack” campsites. You also have the North Country National Scenic Trail, the Buckeye Trail, and the American Discovery Trail. That should be enough trails for anyone. LOL

100_5318 Follow the Blue Blaze for the Buckeye Trail.


Top photo shows General Store at main campground,center and bottom photo one of the shelter houses near the fire tower,right photo ranger station,and left photo shows the road exiting the park. Tar Hollow is Ohio's third largest state forest, containing 16,120 acres. I spent several hours at the park and didn’t see another soul other than the park ranger who kindly answered several of my questions.

100_5227 This photo shows the shadowy dam. You might ask yourself where is the lake. I’m saving that for  Watery Wednesday  and I think you will be surprised to find out what is or isn’t  behind the dam. Also, if you would like to get some first hand info on the North Country Trail check out Sharkbytes at My Quality Day blog. She has hiked the entire trail. Oh My

JOE TODD Thanks for stopping by and if you get a chance stop by the BOOKSTORE



eileeninmd said...

Tar Hollow looks like a great park to visit. Great photos, the waterfall is pretty.

Carolyn Ford said...

Nice views of scenic Tar Hollow! The water and tall majestic trees are gorgeous! Nice place to wander along...

Snowbrush said...

I rather think we explore best when we stick close to home. Seems a shame to travel to "there" when we know so little about "here."

Lona said...

Great shots Joe of Tar Hollow. I am waiting for watery shots of the lake too ;-)

Loran said...

There are lots of pretty places where you live!

Randi said...

Lovely shots of a beautiful parc!

Randi said...

Lovely shots of a beautiful parc!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Hi Joe, Thanks for posting a waterfall JUST for us. Like i've said before---you had better be careful doing this. You might just have some company one day!!!! ha ha ha

You have some great pictures on this post... Love the ones from the top of the water tower... The shadowy ones are great also.

Thanks again.

A. @ A Changing Life said...

I've never had the good fortune to visit the USA, but I must say your pictures are calling to me!

Anonymous said...

I never tire of visiting state, provincial parks and national parks. I hope they are kept forever for future generations to enjoy.

Jean said...

i always wish to stay in a white house

A smile from SJ =)

sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Hi Joe. Beautiful pictures. And I want you to know that I am taking heart from the way you see such beauty in your home area. It is so easy to forget to do that when you're very familiar with an area as well as when you travel. And I hope to follow your example while we're here in Oregon this year.

Thank you for asking (on our blog) about how we're doing -- all is going very well.

TONY LETTS said...

I couldn't go up the tower - vertigo - so well done you

Serendipity said...

There are some great shots here (and some nice shadows too!)

Teresa said...

THat looks like a beautiful place to take photos. yours are all so nice.

Kim, USA said...

Wow that place is amazing. I also like the falls and the winding path just perfect to commune with nature. Thanks for sharing!

My Scenic Sunday

Lorac said...

What a great place. Love the little waterfalls and your collage.

storyteller said...

Thanks for the virtual tour of Tar Hollow. Love your scenic views and shadows in your wonderful mosaics ;-)
Hugs and blessings,
My Scenic Shadow Shot Sunday

Margaret Gosden said...

I like the arrangements of photos as well as the shadows. Is that managed without photoh. I wonder?

Keetha Broyles said...

Hi! Thanks for finding my blog AND commenting today. How DID you find me btw? I don't see any of the blogs I follow or who follow me in your comments under this post.

Oh dear Buckeye enemy - - - you DON'T need to worry, you BEAT my beloved Badgers on the gridiron this fall, even though we did grind out twice as many yards of offense as did your "scary seeds." So - - - you don't have to worry about my Badgers in THAT capacity for at least a year, and if next is one of the years when our two schools don't meet - - - it will be even longer!

We'll meet on the hardwood sometime this winter, but I find I just don't get into that as much as football.

I LOVE all your pictures of the scenic areas right at your own back door.

Anonymous said...

It's nice that you live near such scenic places. I live near places with beautiful scenery, too. I feel blessed. I like your waterfall picture.

Unknown said...

I love the little log shelter in the center of your bottom collage. Really nice capture Joe!

Julie Magers Soulen Photography
Blog of Note

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

I guess I had never heard about the North Country Trail before so I looked it up, thanks. Your park looks interesting, too - I like the little waterfall.

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Anonymous said...

I love you music and your photos-it's looks like a nice place to go.
I'm glad it's so close to you.

fiziskandarz said...

i alwayws like autumn, the shades of orange and gold is just mesmerizing :D

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I like that top left hand sign, there are so many places. Could be quite daunting for a kid.

My son just came back from a weekend camp. Pretty primitive like yours.

JLS Hall (Joysweb) said...

Those are some wonderful photos. Looks like a lovely place to visit, but I'd have to wait for warmer weather!

Joe Todd said...

I use Picasa3 and Microsoft Picture It Perfect Photo Premium9 for downloading,Collages,and other photo editing. Both are free downloads. Thanks to everyone for visiting

Silver said...

Wow.. such breath taking pictures of landscapes and nature!


June said...

I love that last picture in particular! It's almost dreamlike!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Joe: Fun shots at the park.